
An obsession with comic books, cartoons, drawing, creative story adventures (D&D!), and video games as a child helped to foster my passion and ability to tell stories through art and animation. From Thundercats to Darkwing Duck, Chuck Jones to Glen Keane, Spider-man to Maus I & II, I’ve been inspired to tell stories visually. I start most everything with a sheet of paper and a pencil and move on with markers, pastels, acrylic, pixels or voxels and have done so adding to my toolbox from 5 years old.
Hailing originally from El Paso and San Antonio, TX, I have spent some time in New Mexico and now live in Boston, MA where I continue to tell stories through art and animation.

Click here for my Resume.

If you’d like to contact me for a commission, freelance work or just to say hello, I’d love to hear from you.

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